Beyond Labels Training Series

Beyond Labels is a three-part series based on the wisdom of survivors, national crisis services practitioners, trauma recovery experts and domestic violence and sexual assault professionals. Originally designed for domestic and sexual assault agencies it provides guidance for working with abuse survivors who engage in substance use or those experiencing mental illness. Exploring the intersections between domestic and sexual violence, mental illness and substance use, Beyond Labels offers insight for any practitioner working with victims and survivors with additional needs while providing practical application of their concepts to client settings including shelter or group living.


Session 1: Working with Survivors with Mental- Health Related Needs


Recorded Training


This training provides:

  1. Overview of language used to discuss mental health.
  2. Consider our understanding of trauma & the impact on the brain.
  3. Explore the connections between trauma, mental health symptoms, and violence.
  4. Enhance accessibility & supportive services to domestic violence and sexual assault survivors with mental health symptoms.


Session 2: Working with Survivors with Substance Abuse and Addiction Needs


Recorded Training


Session 3: Crisis, Self-Harm, Suicidal Risks, Grounding and Self-Care


Recorded Training