Economic Justice Series

The Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCEDSV) shares a virtual five-part  forum series focusing on economic justice as a tool for sexual violence prevention in Nevada. Each forum will explore a specific economic justice priority and will feature panelists with expertise in these areas.


Access to Housing Forum

This forum will focus on housing in Nevada, the current crisis, the availability of affordable housing, and best practices and action steps for Nevada to focus on.

Equal Pay Forum

The focus of this forum is Equal Pay in Nevada. The forum will take a look at where Nevada stands regarding equal pay, action steps, best practices, and how different organizations are taking action and advocating around this topic.

Access to Social Services and Public Benefits Forum

The focus of this forum is Access to Social Services and Public Benefits in Nevada. The forum will take a look at the necessity of existing social services and public benefits, current barriers for obtaining benefits, and best practices for increasing availability of benefits. 

Access to Education Forum

The focus of this forum is access to education in Nevada. Panelists will discuss the importance of access to comprehensive sex/health education, non-traditional paths to education, and barriers in accessing higher education.

Access to Healthcare Forum

The focus of this forum is access to health care in Nevada. Panelists will discuss the importance of access to affordable health care, the status of health care in Nevada, and how health care is prevention.