

NRS 608.0198 (click here to learn more) Employees who are the victims of domestic violence, or whose family or household member is a victim of domestic violence are allowed to take no more than 160 hours of leave from work in one 12-month period. The time off can be used to for medical care relating to the violence, to obtain counseling or assistance, to participate in court proceedings, or to establish a safety plan. Employers have the discretion to grant the leave either paid or unpaid but cannot deny the leave. Employers cannot require an employee to find a replacement or retaliate against an employer. The employer may require the employee taking the leave to provide documentation that confirm or support the reason.

Documentation may include:

  • A police report
  • Copy of an application for a protection order
  • An affidavit from an organization that provides services to victims of domestic violence
  • Documentation from a physician

NRS 612.3755 (Click here to learn more)
 Access to unemployment insurance cannot deny otherwise eligible person benefits if the individual left employment to protect themselves or a family or household member from domestic violence.