If you need assistance, please contact Lindsay Yates at (775) 737-3071 or [email protected].

All NCEDSV members support the mission, goals,
and philosophy of the Nevada Coalition to end
Domestic and Sexual Violence. We offer four levels of membership:












Program Members are agencies, programs or non-profits including those of federally recognized Native American tribes located in Nevada who:

  • Provide domestic and/or sexual violence victim services or violence prevention education.
  • Whose beliefs are consistent with NCEDSV’s philosophy and mission.
  • Who is committed, in mission and action to honoring a victim’s choice in all aspects of that victim’s experience.

In addition Program Members must be approved by the NCEDSV Board of Directors.


  1. Strengthen the unified voice before the state and federal capitols on behalf of survivors and domestic and sexual violence program providers.
  2. Support the creation and enactment of policies that make a meaningful difference in the lives of victims and survivors.
  3. Play a vital role in forming and deciding the direction of the movement against domestic and sexual violence.
  4. Have an impact on funding for programs, including ongoing advocacy for marriage license funding and a hand in developing and supporting existing and new legislation.
  5. Gain a network of sophisticated advocates with experience working with funders.

  1. Exclusive access to special grant-funded projects.
  2. Discounts at designated NCEDSV trainings, webinars, and conference events for staff members.
  3. Complimentary CEUs at NCEDSV trainings and conferences.
  4. Complimentary connection to language interpretation services at a reduced cost, 24 hours a day.
  5. Priority for custom consultations and trainings at program request.
  6. Access to the Jan Evans Direct Assistance Fund for emergency grants for survivors.
  7. Access to long term housing funds.
  8. Access to L.I.F.E. Microloan Program.

  1. Priority access to expert support services including customized trainings, consultations and technical assistance.
  2. Complimentary access to the Advocate Certificate Program – a distance education program providing a series of online modules.
  3. Access to the Executive Director quarterly networking meetings.
  4. Complimentary access to NCEDSV Program Salary Survey.
  5. Members-only web page to share resources with programs throughout the state.

  1. Voting rights.
  2. Eligibility to participate in NCEDSV Board of Directors, committees and taskforces.
  3. Recognition of membership on NCEDSV website and designated conference materials NCEDSV membership seal for your website, brochures and other materials, and NCEDSV window decal.
  4. Special meetings and events, including Regional Meetings with tailored trainings to meet your needs and time to network with providers in your area.
  5. Subscriptions to NCEDSV’s e-newsletters.
  6. Unlimited posting privileges for your agency’s employment openings and events on NCEDSV website.


Dues are based upon agency budget. Please contact us for additional information.



  • Provide domestic and/or sexual violence victim services or violence prevention education,
  • Whose beliefs are consistent with NCEDSV’s philosophy and mission, and
  • Are committed, in mission and action to honoring a victim’s choice in all aspects of that victim’s experience. support the NCEDSV mission, goals and philosophy
  • Additionally, programs must have been in operation for fewer than 5 years or provide services primarily for victims of sexual violence;
  • Approved by the NCEDSV Board of Directors;
  • Transitional members will be required to apply for Program Membership after 3 years.


  1. Strengthen the unified voice before the state and federal capitols on behalf of survivors and domestic and sexual violence program providers.
  2. Support the creation and enactment of policies that make a meaningful difference in the lives of victims and survivors.
  3. Play a vital role in forming and deciding the direction of the movement against domestic and sexual violence.
  4. Have an impact on funding for programs, including ongoing advocacy for marriage license funding and a hand in developing and supporting existing and new legislation.
  5. Gain a network of sophisticated advocates with experience working with funders.

  1. Exclusive access to special grant-funded projects.
  2. Discounts at designated NCEDSV trainings, webinars, and conference events for staff members.
  3. Complimentary CEUs at NCEDSV trainings and conferences.
  4. Complimentary connection to language interpretation services at a reduced cost, 24 hours a day.
  5. Priority for custom consultations and trainings at program request.
  6. Access to the Jan Evans Direct Assistance Fund for emergency grants for survivors.
  7. Access to long term housing funds.
  8. Access to L.I.F.E. Microloan Program.

  1. Priority access to expert support services including customizable trainings, consultations and technical assistance.
  2. Complimentary access to the Advocate Certificate Program – a distance education program providing a series of online modules.
  3. Access to the Executive Director quarterly networking meetings.
  4. Complimentary access to NCEDSV Program Salary Survey.
  5. Members-only webpage to share resources with programs throughout the state.

  1. Voting rights.
  2. Eligibility to participate in NCEDSV Board of Directors, committees and taskforces.
  3. Recognition of membership on NCEDSV website and designated conference materials NCEDSV membership seal for your website, brochures and other materials, and NCEDSV window decal.
  4. Special meetings and events, including Regional Meetings with tailored trainings to meet your needs and time to network with providers in your area.
  5. Subscriptions to NCEDSV’s e-newsletters.
  6. Unlimited posting privileges for your agency’s employment openings and events on NCEDSV website.


Dues are based on the agency’s annual budget. Please contact us for more information.



Organizational (Community Partner) Membership is open to organizations and businesses that:

  • Support the NCEDSV mission, goals and philosophy are committed to working in partnership to end domestic and sexual violence
  • If the organization operates a battering intervention & prevention program, it must be accredited by the State
  • Approval by the NCEDSV Board of Directors.

Members of this category include but are not limited to special units in police departments, prosecutor’s offices, other criminal justice systems, legal services agencies, accredited Battering Intervention Prevention Programs, and for-profit businesses that are in alignment with NCEDSV mission, goals, and philosophy.


  1. Strengthen the unified voice before the state and federal capitols on behalf of survivors and domestic and sexual violence program providers.
  2. Support the creation and enactment of policies that make a meaningful difference in the lives of victims and survivors.
  3. Play a vital role in forming and deciding the direction of the movement against domestic and sexual violence.
  4. Have an impact on funding for programs, including ongoing advocacy for marriage license funding and a hand in developing and supporting existing and new legislation.

  1. Discounts at designated NCEDSV trainings, webinars, and conference events for staff members.
  2. Complimentary CEUs at NCEDSV trainings and conferences.
  3. Priority access to expert support services including customizable trainings, consultations and technical assistance.

  1. Eligibility to participate in NCEDSV Board of Directors, committees and taskforces
  2. Recognition of membership on NCEDSV website and designated conference materials NCEDSV membership seal for your website, brochures and other materials, and NCEDSV window decal
  3. Special meetings and events, including Regional Meetings with tailored trainings to meet your needs and time to network with providers in your area
  4. Subscriptions to NCEDSV’s e-newsletters


Level 1: Operating Budget Range of $0-$500,000 Annual Membership Dues of $250
Level 2: Operating Budget Range of $500,001+ Annual Membership Dues of $500



Friend Membership is open to all individuals that wish to join the movement and support the NCEDSV mission, goals and philosophy.


Annual dues for Category IV members are $50, with the exception of persons of limited means, who may pay reduced dues. Survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence including incarcerated individuals may receive a complimentary lifetime membership at NCEDSV. A joint membership is available to two individuals that share a household.

  • Joint Membership: $75.00
  • Individual Membership: $50.00
  • Senior (55+) Membership: $10.00
  • Student Membership: $10.00
  • Survivor: Lifetime Membership Complementary

Please contact us for additional information.


  1. Strengthen the unified voice before the state and federal capitols on behalf of survivors and domestic and sexual violence program providers.
  2. Support the creation and enactment of policies that make a meaningful difference in the lives of victims and survivors.
  3. Discounts and complimentary CEUs at designated NCEDSV trainings and conference.
  4. Special meetings and events, including Regional Meetings with tailored trainings to meet your needs and time to network with providers in your area.
  5. Subscriptions to NCEDSV’s monthly and quarterly e-newsletters.
  6. Eligibility to participate in NCEDSV Board of Directors, committees and taskforces.

Choose your membership


To become a member of the Nevada Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence, please fill out the form below.