Sexual violence includes a wide variety of crimes and actions that can be both physical and non-physical and constitute unwanted, non-consensual or age-inappropriate sexual activity.

Sexual violence impacts people of any age or gender. If you believe you have experienced, or are experiencing sexual violence, please reach out to a service organization in your area. They provide a wide array of services such as counseling, access to medical care, and advocacy through the legal process should you choose to report.

Sexual Assault is defined as non-consensual sexual contact or behavior upon someone by force, coercion, or incapacity due to age, mental or physical disability, or alcohol or substance use. Anyone can be a victim of sexual assault including, men, children, transgender or gender-fluid persons, and regardless of sexual orientation.

Alcohol/Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault is when a perpetrator uses date-rape drugs (GHB or Rohypnol) or alcohol to incapacitate a person and sexually assault them. Often victims have no or limited memory of the assault.

Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a form of child abuse in which an adult or an older adolescent forces or coerces a child into sexual acts for the abuser’s sexual gratification or financial profit. Forms of CSA including engaging or attempting to engage a child in sexual activities, exposing a child to or using a child in the production of pornography, exposing one’s genitals to child. CSA has long-lasting effects on the survivor including increased risk of further victimization, substance abuse, depression, eating disorders, anxiety, sexual problems, memory loss, and detachment issues. Men and boys who have been sexually abused as a child may also face some additional challenges because of social attitudes and stereotypes about men and masculinity.

Human Trafficking is when a perpetrator uses force, fraud, or coercion upon someone to engage in commercial sex acts. Both immigrants and U.S. citizens can be trafficked. It is not necessary to cross country or state borders to traffick someone.

Incest is defined as sexual activity between close family members who are prohibited from marrying i.e., parent/child, siblings, close cousins. Incest may or may not be consensual. An example of consensual incest is two adult siblings or cousins having sexual relations. An adult having sex with a child is never consensual.

Prison Rape is a crime. The Prison Rape Elimination Act requires facilities take reports, investigate, and provide access to services for prisoner victims of rape. This includes staff raping inmates and inmates raping other inmates.

Sexual Harassment is when someone is harassed due to their gender, sex, or orientation. Employers and schools/colleges have an obligation to provide harassment free workplaces/schools. The perpetrator may be a person of authority (employer, supervisor, teacher), a co-worker, or fellow student. Harassment can include unwanted sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment.

Military Sexual Trauma refers to sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment a soldier experienced while on active military duty.

Intimate Partner Sexual Violence (IPSV) is a tactic used by abusive partners to control an intimate partner. Often, IPSV consists of repeated rape, sexual degradation, and at times, forced prostitution, over the course of a relationship.

+ Sexual Assault

Sexual Assault is defined as non-consensual sexual contact or behavior upon someone by force, coercion, or incapacity due to age, mental or physical disability, or alcohol or substance use. Anyone can be a victim of sexual assault including, men, children, transgender or gender-fluid persons, and regardless of sexual orientation.

+ Alcohol/Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault

Alcohol/Drug-Facilitated Sexual Assault is when a perpetrator uses date-rape drugs (GHB or Rohypnol) or alcohol to incapacitate a person and sexually assault them. Often victims have no or limited memory of the assault.

+ Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)

Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) is a form of child abuse in which an adult or an older adolescent forces or coerces a child into sexual acts for the abuser’s sexual gratification or financial profit. Forms of CSA including engaging or attempting to engage a child in sexual activities, exposing a child to or using a child in the production of pornography, exposing one’s genitals to child. CSA has long-lasting effects on the survivor including increased risk of further victimization, substance abuse, depression, eating disorders, anxiety, sexual problems, memory loss, and detachment issues. Men and boys who have been sexually abused as a child may also face some additional challenges because of social attitudes and stereotypes about men and masculinity.

+ Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is when a perpetrator uses force, fraud, or coercion upon someone to engage in commercial sex acts. Both immigrants and U.S. citizens can be trafficked. It is not necessary to cross country or state borders to traffick someone.

+ Incest

Incest is defined as sexual activity between close family members who are prohibited from marrying i.e., parent/child, siblings, close cousins. Incest may or may not be consensual. An example of consensual incest is two adult siblings or cousins having sexual relations. An adult having sex with a child is never consensual.

+ Prison Rape

Prison Rape is a crime. The Prison Rape Elimination Act requires facilities take reports, investigate, and provide access to services for prisoner victims of rape. This includes staff raping inmates and inmates raping other inmates.

+ Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment is when someone is harassed due to their gender, sex, or orientation. Employers and schools/colleges have an obligation to provide harassment free workplaces/schools. The perpetrator may be a person of authority (employer, supervisor, teacher), a co-worker, or fellow student. Harassment can include unwanted sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment.

+ Military Sexual Trauma

Military Sexual Trauma refers to sexual assault or repeated, threatening sexual harassment a soldier experienced while on active military duty.

+ Intimate Partner Sexual Violence (IPSV)

Intimate Partner Sexual Violence (IPSV) is a tactic used by abusive partners to control an intimate partner. Often, IPSV consists of repeated rape, sexual degradation, and at times, forced prostitution, over the course of a relationship.

The following is a listing of Nevada and national websites, hotlines, & helplines. This list includes sexual assault resources for both teen and adult survivors, people who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community, the elderly, people of color, and people from Native communities. Each organization is listed in alphabetical order.



toll-free 800.992.5757

To search for a local crisis center in Nevada, visit centers.rainn.org. You can search by state and/or zip code. Volunteers and staff at these organizations are trained on issues surrounding sexual violence and can provide support and information about individual or group counseling, medical attention, and reporting a crime to law enforcement as well as other services. Contact each organization to learn their full range of services offered.


Family and Child Treatment of Southern Nevada (FACT) is a non-profit agency dedicated to helping Nevadan’s heal from the traumas and cycle of abuse, neglect, violence, and addiction through education, prevention, and treatment services.



The Queer Anti-Violence Project (QAVP) provides Southern Nevada with specific victim/survivor services and anti-violence services directly related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual persons (LGBTQIA+).

24 Hour Hotline: 702.425.7287

Toll free: 888.425.7287

Office: 702.425.7288


24 Hour Hotline-Campus Advocacy Resource and Empowerment (CARE) Line: 702.895.0602


The following is a listing of Nevada and national websites, hotlines, & helplines. This list includes sexual assault resources for both teen and adult survivors, people who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community, the elderly, people of color, and people from Native communities. Each organization is listed in alphabetical order.



toll-free 800.992.5757

To search for a local crisis center in Nevada, visit centers.rainn.org. You can search by state and/or zip code. Volunteers and staff at these organizations are trained on issues surrounding sexual violence and can provide support and information about individual or group counseling, medical attention, and reporting a crime to law enforcement as well as other services. Contact each organization to learn their full range of services offered.


Family and Child Treatment of Southern Nevada (FACT) is a non-profit agency dedicated to helping Nevadan’s heal from the traumas and cycle of abuse, neglect, violence, and addiction through education, prevention, and treatment services.



The Queer Anti-Violence Project (QAVP) provides Southern Nevada with specific victim/survivor services and anti-violence services directly related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual persons (LGBTQIA+).

24 Hour Hotline: 702.425.7287

Toll free: 888.425.7287

Office: 702.425.7288




The following is a listing of Nevada and national websites, hotlines, & helplines. This list includes sexual assault resources for both teen and adult survivors, people who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community, the elderly, people of color, and people from Native communities. Each organization is listed in alphabetical order.



toll-free 800.992.5757

To search for a local crisis center in Nevada, visit centers.rainn.org. You can search by state and/or zip code. Volunteers and staff at these organizations are trained on issues surrounding sexual violence and can provide support and information about individual or group counseling, medical attention, and reporting a crime to law enforcement as well as other services. Contact each organization to learn their full range of services offered.


Family and Child Treatment of Southern Nevada (FACT) is a non-profit agency dedicated to helping Nevadan’s heal from the traumas and cycle of abuse, neglect, violence, and addiction through education, prevention, and treatment services.



The Queer Anti-Violence Project (QAVP) provides Southern Nevada with specific victim/survivor services and anti-violence services directly related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual persons (LGBTQIA+).

24 Hour Hotline: 702.425.7287

Toll free: 888.425.7287

Office: 702.425.7288


24 Hour Hotline-Campus Advocacy Resource and Empowerment (CARE) Line: 702.895.0602


The following is a listing of Nevada and national websites, hotlines, & helplines. This list includes sexual assault resources for both teen and adult survivors, people who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community, the elderly, people of color, and people from Native communities. Each organization is listed in alphabetical order.



toll-free 800.992.5757

To search for a local crisis center in Nevada, visit centers.rainn.org. You can search by state and/or zip code. Volunteers and staff at these organizations are trained on issues surrounding sexual violence and can provide support and information about individual or group counseling, medical attention, and reporting a crime to law enforcement as well as other services. Contact each organization to learn their full range of services offered.


Family and Child Treatment of Southern Nevada (FACT) is a non-profit agency dedicated to helping Nevadan’s heal from the traumas and cycle of abuse, neglect, violence, and addiction through education, prevention, and treatment services.



The Queer Anti-Violence Project (QAVP) provides Southern Nevada with specific victim/survivor services and anti-violence services directly related to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual persons (LGBTQIA+).

24 Hour Hotline: 702.425.7287

Toll free: 888.425.7287

Office: 702.425.7288


24 Hour Hotline-Campus Advocacy Resource and Empowerment (CARE) Line: 702.895.0602

Sexual violence impacts people of any age or gender. If you believe you have experienced, or are experiencing sexual violence, please reach out to a service organization in your area.


This website has resources for surviving men of all ages, family and friends, professionals, and communities. It is called 1in6 because it is estimated that 1 in 6 men have experienced unwanted or abusive sexual experiences before they even reach adulthood. Find resources, information, and hope.


The Accessing Safety Initiative helps organizations and communities meet the needs of women with disabilities and Deaf women who are victims or survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.


A website that is aimed at young people who have entered the world of dating. Offers relationship definitions and plenty of quizzes (followed by information) about everything from being a respectful boyfriend/girlfriend to knowing how to help an abused friend.


An organization devoted to providing support, resources, and information to male survivors of sexual victimization, as well as providers, parents, and others. Check out the tabs on the lefthand side for more detailed information.


Programs development, policy and technical assistance, and training that addresses the nexus between domestic violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse/neglect. The vision of NCALL is to end abuse and neglect of older adults and people with disabilities by family members, caregivers, and others with ongoing relationships with victims. Recourse directory includes listing of elder shelters (by state) as well as support groups tailored to older women.


Our mission: Dedicated to restoring safety to Native women by upholding the sovereignty of Indian and Alaska Native tribes.


Toll free: 877.739.3895

NSVRC serves as a central clearinghouse for the voluminous resources and research and provides a place to turn to for information, help, and support.


A website that supports survivors of rape and sexual abuse with resources, chat rooms (at Pandora’s Aquarium and a men-only chat room and male forum), message boards, and more.


A youth-driven program aimed at preventing sexualized violence amongst youth ages 14-19 years old for both young men and women. The “Learn” tab has an especially large abundance of information for teens.


RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.
