

NCEDSV provides training and technical assistance (meaning direct, problem-solving services), to Nevada’s domestic violence and sexual violence service programs and providers. 

NCEDSV provides training and technical assistance (meaning direct, problem-solving services), to Nevada’s domestic violence and sexual violence service programs and providers. These services are tailored to the needs of each individual program, organization, or person requesting help.

Members can call or email NCEDSV to receive support in a variety of areas, from best practices to nonprofit management and governance. If you or your organization would benefit from training or technical assistance, please contact us.


There are no upcoming events at this time

Topical Training Series 2023: Pride Month

Join expert trainers  in a four-week virtual series to expand your knowledge on working with LGBTQIA+ community members. Week 1 Recording:  LGBTQIA+ Ally Training Week 2 Recording: The Importance of […]

Training Series for Prevention

The Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCEDSV) shares a virtual three-part forum series for school staff and personnel, and community based organizations on protective environments, mapping strategies, [...]

Prevention is Not a 4-Letter Word: Conversations About Ending Sexual Violence

3-part webinar series to increase participant’s knowledge on primary prevention by: Identifying practical ways to implement evidence-based or evidence-informed prevention strategies; and Learning how to engage new partners to build […]